Feed your soul

Feed your soul symbol

Combining body wisdom & mindfulness
to help you lose weight

Are you:

  • Fed-up with diets that only work for a little while and regaining the lost weight the moment you stop starving yourself?
  • Confused by all the diet advice out there, where even health experts are contradicting one another?
  • Feeling stressed around food, don’t know what to eat, how much to eat, how to handle parties?
  • Always thinking about food and thoughts about diets and eating are dominating your headspace and keeping you from doing things that would be more meaningful?
  • Loathing your body and just can’t make peace with it?
  • Aware that there may be emotional reasons why you use food to try to feel better?

The Feed Your Soul program is perfect for you if you want to:

  • Learn a new way of relating to food and eating that is universal, so easy you can teach it to a child and compatible with any life style, e.g. vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten-free etc.
  • Become your own guru by tuning into your own body wisdom and learning what works for you
  • Relax around food and trust your body to guide you to make healthy choices
  • Use mindful techniques to help you focus and commit to living a life that brings you joy and fulfillment
  • Become your own best friend and make your body a happy place to live in

The focus of the program is to help you return to your inner body wisdom, a place where you know exactly what to eat, how much to eat and when to stop.  We were all born with this inner wisdom but over time our upbringing, culture and societal influences lead us astray.  We gain and lose weight repeatedly, always on the lookout for the perfect diet or guru to help us.  Health experts contradict one another and we don’t know who to listen to.

Reconnecting with our inner wisdom help us to choose foods that are healthy for us and help us stay calm around food.  Under stress we are not in control of what and how much we eat and the body shuts off its natural self-repair mechanisms.  Mindful eating help us to learn to enjoy eating again without feeling guilty or ashamed.

Mindfulness also help us uncover all the reasons why we eat too much.  There may be many years of abuse and heart ache that need to be unpacked in a safe, compassionate & nonjudgmental environment.

Lastly, we learn to love and appreciate the bodies we have and become our own best friends, making our bodies happy places to live in.

  • Contact me so we can work out a program to suit your individual needs.  I charge $90 per hour and $45 per half hour.  In our discussion we can decide on how many sessions you want to start off with and how often you need them.  In addition we will also make regular contact via email, Skype or Messenger.  I recommend at least 8 sessions to give you the best chance to succeed and make lasting changes.